WE ARE BACK 2023/2024
Important Dates for your Diary this year
START BACK - Friday 8th September 2023
AUTUMN TERM 1 - Friday 8th September 2023 - Friday 27th October 2023
OCTOBER HALF TERM - Saturday 28th October 2023 - Sunday 5th November 2023
AUTUMN TERM 2 - Monday 6th November 2023 - Friday 15th December 2023
SPRING TERM 1 - Monday 8th January 2024 - Friday 9th February 2024
FEBRUARY HALF TERM - Saturday 10th February 2024 - Sunday 18th February 2024
SPRING HALF TERM 2 - Monday 19th February 2024 - Friday 22nd March 2024
EASTER HOLIDAYS - Saturday 23rd March 2024 - Sunday 7th April 2024
SUMMER HALF TERM 1- Monday 8th April 2024 - Saturday 25th May 2024
MAY HALF TERM - Sunday 26th May 2024 - Sunday 2nd June 2024
MAY INTENSIVE - Tuesday 28th May and Wednesday 29th May 2024
(This is for anyone taking part in the show who would like to be in extra pieces and numbers)
SUMMER HALF TERM 2 - Monday 3rd June 2024 - Wednesday 31st July 2024
Sunday 23rd June - ALL DAY at Walsgrave CE Academy
Sunday 30th June - ALL DAY at Walsgrave CE Academy
Sunday 7th July - ALL DAY at Walsgrave CE Academy
Sunday 14th July - ALL DAY at Walsgrave CE Academy
Saturday 20th July - ALL DAY at Walsgrave CE Academy
Sunday 21st July - ALL DAY at Walsgrave CE Academy
Monday 22nd July - Evening at Walsgrave CE Academy
Friday 26th July - TBC -PLEASE KEEP FREE from 9:00am - 9:00pm (Not all students will be needed the whole time for this rehearsal)
Saturday 27th July - TBC - PLEASE KEEP FREE from 9:00am - 9:00pm (Not all students will be needed the whole time for this rehearsal)
Saturday 27th July - PERFORMANCE OF THE UNBREAKABLE VOW (evening show)
Sunday 28th July - PERFORMANCE OF THE UNBREAKABLE VOW (afternoon show)

Auditions for this years production are being taken from our Mini Musical project this half term which is based on dedication, professionalism on and off stage, determination, professional conduct in the studio, attendance and ability.
Remember that, in this industry, setbacks are always going to happen but, it is what you do in those moments that you grow and build. I know SOTS students are always supportive of each other and this is something I am proud of. Please do not be disheartened if you have not got a part this year. It just means that this year wasn’t right for you but, there is always a next time as long as you work as hard as you always do as other years may not be for others and will be right for you. We are always so proud of you all.
Remember that if you have been given a part to be mindful of others around you and as per the contract with these parts you need to work hard and be at rehearsals to maintain your role.
If you have been given a role it is up to you to also make rehearsals. If you cannot make them, we MUST know ASAP otherwise we will have to give it to someone else.
Rehearsal schedule will be released on: TBC
We do have other parts to give out which we are undecided on now.
All my Love
Mrs Kirstie
WOW! What a term of hard work from ALL of our students. Below is this year’s cast list which is based off this term’s professionalism in class, hard work, attendance, talent and ability which we have been assessing and auditioning in ALL classes throughout the term. For those who took part in Mini Musical this was also a chance for you to show your capability in front of an audience. However, please be reminded that we have other students to also consider who could not make the event too and have auditioned within different lessons to make up for this.
Before looking at the cast list remember that, in this industry, setbacks are always going to happen but, it is what you do in those moments that you grow and build. I know SOTS students are always supportive of each other and this is something I am proud of. Please do not be disheartened if you have not got a part this year. It just means that this year wasn’t right for you but, there is always a next time as long as you work as hard as you always do. Remember that other years may not be right for others and will be right for you. We are always so proud of you all.
Remember that if you have been given a part to be mindful of others around you and as per the contract with these parts, you need to work hard and be at rehearsals to maintain your role. If you have been given a role it is up to you to also make rehearsals. If you cannot make them, we MUST know ASAP otherwise we will have to give it to someone else.
Thankyou in advance to all the parents/carers for your support on this and to help us build professional, humble students who understand the importance of understanding and dealing with rejection and bouncing back from it or to be understanding to those around who have not got a part if you have. This is something which is really appreciated and recognised and does go a very long way.
Good Luck